Sunday, November 9, 2008


We just got back from camping. The campground we stayed at was nice! We stayed on top of the mountain and the view was awesome! I learned how to play disc golf for the first time yesterday with three friends. They were very helpful and taught me how to play. The first round was difficult because I didn't know how to operate the disc. The second round was much better. I got the hang of how to throw the disc but my aims were off! My arms are sore today! It is a good feeling! I like how disc golf is played. It is like golf but use disc. I am going to practice and learn more about it. (I will post pictures. I am waiting on a friend to send me pictures since Heather took the camera on their trip)

We took Jerry (Amy's dad) with us to camping. He loves outdoor and made fire for us two nights. It was nice sitting by the fire. We made smores the first night. He took a shower in our travel trailer the first day and decided it was too small for him so this morning he decided to shower in the public bathroom.

I am suppose to play basketball this Saturday. I am on a women team and the coach "said" there are 3 teams playing this Saturday for small regional tournament. I sure hope I can last 4 quarters! I am looking forward to play because I need the excerise! I practiced last Sunday and afterwards I felt real good! Yes, I can run!!!

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