Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Basketball and birthdays!!!

Seth had his very FIRST basketball practice last night. I enjoyed watching him trying to learn how to play! At first, I was told that there are no basketball team for his age and he has to be 5. Last week, someone emailed and said have a spot for Seth since other teams are allowing some 4 years old to play. I was thrilled because I wanted Seth to learn and see if he likes basketball. Last night was the team's 2nd practice but Seth's first because he joined late.
His first game should be on December 6th. I haven't got the schedule yet. He seems to enjoy the practice because it was ongoing.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday! She turned 57! I know she doesn't read the blog because she doesn't have access to internet. Happy Birthday to you, Mom!!!!

We have another birthdays to celebrate this Friday!
Nickie (my step- twosister) and Missie!!!
Happy Birthday to you both!!!!! Nickie will be 36 and Missie will be 35!!! Won't be long before we turn the big 40!!!!

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