Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Basketball & Sick

I played two basketball games this past Saturday. I felt good that I can still play!!! I think I am much better than when I was in high school! My team won both games. We will play in another tournament in Feb. and March. If we win in March, we will play in April.

Seth is sick! He woke up Saturday morning with fever. He missed his basketball practice. Amy stayed home with him and Rylie while I played. Sunday, he told me that his throat hurts so I took a flashlight and look inside his throat and it was red. I called the doctor yesterday and got him an appointment. He has strep throat infection. He is to take medicine for 10 days! He hates it!!! He is much better today and will go back to school tomorrow!

His practice was suppose to be tonight but just found out that the gym is setting up for a science fair so it has been cancelled. I am glad because it would have been two practices he missed!

I can't believe Christmas is coming!!! Amy and I are done with our shopping except for our neice and nephews. We will be going to Dada (grandma) and Poppa F. for Thanksgiving this year. Look forward to good home-cooked dinner! Seth is looking forward playing with Connor.

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