Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

I want to take this time and give thanks for everything!
I am thankful for having Amy, Seth & Rylie in my life!
I am thankful for everyone in our family!
I am thankful for a roof over our head!
I am thankful for heat to keep us warm!
I am thankful for our good health!
I am thankful for our jobs!
I am thankful for foods that fill us up!

The way economy is acting now, I am thankful for EVERYTHING we have!

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Basketball & Sick

I played two basketball games this past Saturday. I felt good that I can still play!!! I think I am much better than when I was in high school! My team won both games. We will play in another tournament in Feb. and March. If we win in March, we will play in April.

Seth is sick! He woke up Saturday morning with fever. He missed his basketball practice. Amy stayed home with him and Rylie while I played. Sunday, he told me that his throat hurts so I took a flashlight and look inside his throat and it was red. I called the doctor yesterday and got him an appointment. He has strep throat infection. He is to take medicine for 10 days! He hates it!!! He is much better today and will go back to school tomorrow!

His practice was suppose to be tonight but just found out that the gym is setting up for a science fair so it has been cancelled. I am glad because it would have been two practices he missed!

I can't believe Christmas is coming!!! Amy and I are done with our shopping except for our neice and nephews. We will be going to Dada (grandma) and Poppa F. for Thanksgiving this year. Look forward to good home-cooked dinner! Seth is looking forward playing with Connor.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Basketball and birthdays!!!

Seth had his very FIRST basketball practice last night. I enjoyed watching him trying to learn how to play! At first, I was told that there are no basketball team for his age and he has to be 5. Last week, someone emailed and said have a spot for Seth since other teams are allowing some 4 years old to play. I was thrilled because I wanted Seth to learn and see if he likes basketball. Last night was the team's 2nd practice but Seth's first because he joined late.
His first game should be on December 6th. I haven't got the schedule yet. He seems to enjoy the practice because it was ongoing.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday! She turned 57! I know she doesn't read the blog because she doesn't have access to internet. Happy Birthday to you, Mom!!!!

We have another birthdays to celebrate this Friday!
Nickie (my step- twosister) and Missie!!!
Happy Birthday to you both!!!!! Nickie will be 36 and Missie will be 35!!! Won't be long before we turn the big 40!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


We just got back from camping. The campground we stayed at was nice! We stayed on top of the mountain and the view was awesome! I learned how to play disc golf for the first time yesterday with three friends. They were very helpful and taught me how to play. The first round was difficult because I didn't know how to operate the disc. The second round was much better. I got the hang of how to throw the disc but my aims were off! My arms are sore today! It is a good feeling! I like how disc golf is played. It is like golf but use disc. I am going to practice and learn more about it. (I will post pictures. I am waiting on a friend to send me pictures since Heather took the camera on their trip)

We took Jerry (Amy's dad) with us to camping. He loves outdoor and made fire for us two nights. It was nice sitting by the fire. We made smores the first night. He took a shower in our travel trailer the first day and decided it was too small for him so this morning he decided to shower in the public bathroom.

I am suppose to play basketball this Saturday. I am on a women team and the coach "said" there are 3 teams playing this Saturday for small regional tournament. I sure hope I can last 4 quarters! I am looking forward to play because I need the excerise! I practiced last Sunday and afterwards I felt real good! Yes, I can run!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last week I had parent conference with Seth's teacher. Seth is doing remarkably well in school! He knows his ABC's. He knows all his ABC finger spelling. He can recognize the letters in writing and finger spelling and put them in order without assist. He is ready for his "sight" words so he will be ready for Kindergarten. We are so proud of him! The only thing we are concern is his ability to write his name! He has no interested in writing so his grip is kinda weak. His teacher gave him some clay for him to exercise his hands while he watch TV. He has no problem cutting with scissors which is why we were not referred to OT. He can write his name but it is not strong enough on paper. We are happy to know he is a smart boy because he is doing everything right on track except for writing but he is only 4!

We are going camping this weekend! We invited Jerry (Amy's dad) to join us since the ladies and little man left us this morning!!!! They went to visit Maryrose's son and friends up north. They will be back next Monday.
We miss the little man already!

Did you vote today? Amy and I did our duty last Saturday. We waited in the line for about 45 minutes. We voted for Obama. We really wanted Hillary Clinton to be the president. If Obama were smart, he would have asked her to be his Vice President. I bet you Obama regrets not asking Clinton. We shall see who wins tonight!!!!