Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Seth had his FIRST T-ball practice last night. His two other friends are on his team. It was very cute to watch! They had no clue what to do! The coach was very nice and was very patient. Seth will have practice on Tuesdays and Saturdays. His first game will be in April. We look forward to it! I got to practice with Seth on his batting skills.

At first, Seth wasn't sure what Baseball was. He said he didn't want to play baseball. When we went last night and he saw what it was and what he will be doing, he got excited and now he likes baseball. We got him new gloves and baseball shoes. (Bain gave him his old gloves but it is too big. I think he will be able to use it next year) Seth is sooo cute in his baseball shoes! We are going to get him a baseball pants. "Angels" is the name of his team.
I will post pix soon. I forgot my camera last night! Shame on me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooo...this is exciting! (smile) Wish I could be there to watch the game!
