Not much had been happening. Heather and Trevor stayed with us all week! Maryose flew to Florida to stay and visit with her mom. She hasn't seen her mom for about 2 years. Heather and Trevor moved in Seth's room for 11 nights! Seth wanted Heather to stay longer so he could continue sleep with mommy and momma! He is not going to want to sleep in his bed tomorrow night! We really enjoyed their company! Kids loved having Trevor around and they were very caring and gentle with Trevor. Rylie learned a lot how to handle her baby doll the right way. She would burp her baby doll. It is cute to watch! We are going to MISS them!
Rylie just now started to say "mommy" and "momma"! FINALLY! Seth started to talk before he turned one but Rylie just now started to talk. Seth and Rylie's personality are VERY different! It is fun to watch how different they are! Rylie is a comedian. She is very FUNNY! We enjoyed her very much!!!
Seth haven't started a T-ball game. We are still waiting to get his schedule. Hope to get the schedule tomorrow at his practice. He is doing great in school! He is one smart fellow! He loves to read and knows how to read his letter individually. He already got homework for every night. His teacher encourages reading so he has reading to do every night. He loves it! Won't be long before he is in Kindergarten! 16 more months! Where did time go!?!?!
Seth & Rylie:
They are starting to play together! Before, Seth would aggravate Rylie but now they are PLAYING together!! Don't get me wrong, Seth still aggravates Rylie! Rylie will get back to him anyway she can.
He is around 10 lbs now. He goes to doctor in two weeks and will get his first shots! OUCH!!! He is not gonna like it! He is growing a lot! He just now got into size 1 diaper and into 0-3 months clothes but won't be long before he is into 3-6 months clothes!
That's all for now. Will post as soon as I have "new" news!
Take care!
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