Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trevor coming??

Heather went to the doctor yesterday and she is now dilated 1 cm and her cervix is soft. Trevor is coming any day now!!! We can't wait!!!
The doctor has scheduled to induce on the 12th of Feb. Doctor did want to do 7th but Heather said she is not ready! Come on Heather!!! We wanna meet Trevor!!!

Right now Heather needs to get well. She has bad bad bad head colds!!! Get well soon!!!

14 more days if not before!!!


hotomiky said...

Oh... Can't WAIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am home sick with a very bad cold....been really sick the last 5 days. I hope Heather heals soon so that she can enjoy the childbirth!

Amy and Angie said...

Sorry you are not feeling well! Sending great big well wishes your way!!!!
