Monday, February 4, 2008

Heather's still preggy

Trevor is still in Heather's tummy! I thought I was going to meet Trevor last Friday! We thought Heather's water broke and she went to the doctor. The doctor did a test and said water did not break. It was Trevor pushing down on her bladder.

Trevor!!! You and I need to have a talk!!! It's time to come out! It's time to meet everyone! Seth is asking about you every minute! Come out and play with Seth!!! Come out and let me spoil you to death!!! We want to see if you are as cute as your aunt Angie!!!

I will post when Trevor decides to come out! Heather has been having contractions but it's not bad ones yet and it's not 3 minutes apart!!! All we have to do is WAIT and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It only goes to show that babies will come on on their own terms....not a minute earlier and not a minute later!