Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, I will be going out of town for 4 nights and 5 days! I will be working. It will be the first time I am away from Rylie! We have never been apart! I am going to miss my babies! I hope I will be okay! There will probably be some times when I feel homesick! BUT when the paycheck comes, I will be glad I went! Amy will be taking two days off from work so she can spend some time with the kids while I am away! I know she is looking forward to it.

Seth is off from school for three days this week! He is very happy about that! He likes school but much prefer stay home! We can't believe he will be in kindergarten this Fall! He will be 5 in 4 more months! I look at him sometimes and wonder where time went! Our first born son is growing up too fast! He is now trying to read and identify words. He loves to do his homework. His teacher has said he is very interested in trying to read. We are very proud of him!

Rylie... We hope she will be going to pre-k this October. I have to apply in Feb to hold a spot for her. The 4 years olds are free but for 3 years olds, we have to pay. We are thinking about Mon, Wed and Fri for her. She can't go til she turns 3 which means she can't go when school opens but wait til Oct 3rd. I think she will love school. When I take Seth, she wants to stay.

Hope everyone is in good health! Everyone has been sick! I had the 24 hr stomach virus last week. I threw up more than 10 times! That was not fun!

Stay warm!

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