Friday, May 15, 2009

Here I am!!!

I am back! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog. We don't have exciting news to share!

Seth is looking forward to summer vacation! He has 17 more days! He is also exciting about his birthday! He is counting down the days! We will have his birthday party at his aunt and uncle's lake house. He has been asking to have his party there and he got his wish! Thanks to Aunt Lucy and Uncle Gary!

My grandma died on May 4th. She fell and hit her head and had severe bleeding in her brain. My mom, aunt and uncle decided to take her off the life support machine and let her go peacefully. She has had three hip surgeries in maybe 6 months. My grandpa died 14 months ago. I would have never thought she will be gone this soon! I have gotten real close with my grandma and appreciate her more now that I am older. I will MISS her!

Rylie is growing up too fast! She is a princess! She has grown a lot. People keep telling me that she is tall. When she had her 2 years old check up, doctor has mentioned that she is tall and is off the chart a little. Amy and I signed up for her to go school when she turns 3. We are waiting to hear to see if she is accepted. She has to be 3 which won't be til October and the first day of school is in August and they have to decide if they want or can hold her a spot til she turns 3. Crossing fingers! We want her to have the same teacher who taught Seth.

Seth is getting exciting about being a Kindergarten this fall. He has been doing real good in school. He is starting to read books. He is now working on Kindergarten "bagging" book. He has the desire to learn! We are very proud of him!!!

We are ready for summer to get here! We haven't made any plans but hope to go to the beach for a week in our travel trailer.

That's all for now! Hope I won't wait too long to blog with news!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rylie's bed, Seth's room and Hiking

We went hiking last Sunday. It was nice and cool. Kids had good time. Kids loved the creek and the waterfall. Amy and I were very tired walking back because Seth and Rylie were too tired to walk and we had to carry them!
Seth finally got his army room. He loves it! He said to me "I never want to change this room ever again!" I painted "SETH" on his wall. I thought I did good job! We are not done. We have four framed pictures to hang up. We are still looking around for some army pieces to add to his room.
We changed Rylie's daybed into full sized bed. She loves it! She thinks she is a big girl now! My grandma was kind to let Rylie have the mattress!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sorry I haven't blog lately! Amy got sick with the FLU and had to miss two and half days of work! She was SICK! She stayed in the bed most of the time! She is much better and is back to work. I did get sick with colds and coughs but no fever. I am better now!

Seth and I went to Virginia for my basketball tournament. My team played against two other teams. We won the tournament and we get to go to California for national championship. I decided not to go since money is tight.

Seth will start baseball again this year. I was asked to coach his team! I am looking forward to it! I am waiting on the schedule and team roster from the director. It will be a fun experience for me!

Seth is now taking swimming lessons. He loves swimming. He has 6 evening classes. Tonight will be his third. Rylie can't take swimming lessons til she turns 3.

We are going to attempt gardening this year! We asked a friend to plow for us. He has started and is not finished. He will come back this Thursday and try to finish. We plan to plant green beans, cantelope, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and roma lettuce. I think it will be fun to watch them grow! Kids will enjoy the garden. I will post pictures soon!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random pictures!

Seth and snow about three weeks ago! Rylie enjoying ice cream and cupcake on Trevor's birthday!

Rylie drawing on herself! She loves markers!

Rylie all dressed up for Valentine's day!
Messy boy on his birthday!

Trevor loves to climb on anything!!!

Seth's basketball medal!

Trevor fell asleep sitting in his booster chair!

Momma and Rylie on snow day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yesterday morning, Amy and Seth had a conversation. Amy asked Seth if he would be her baby FOREVER! He said no because he wants to be a daddy. Amy asked how many children does he want? Seth said 3 and Amy said how about 10 children? He said no, I might not remember their names.

Trevor celebrated his FIRST birthday on February 12th! We had a little party that night. He liked the cupcake. I will post video and pictures sometime this weekend.

Amy, Seth, Rylie and I are going to Monster Jam today! Seth has been looking forward to it for sooo long!!! He is going to love it! I am not sure about Rylie but I think she will do okay. We are going to borrow my dad's headphones so it won't hurt their ears.

My mom went back to the hospital last week and is still there! Heather and I visited her last night. She had busted appendix and the doctor removed it. She stayed for few days and went home. She had to go back since she couldn't breathe so they found that she had fluid in one of her lung and it collapsed. They put a big tube in her so it can be drained out. Well, all the fluid wouldn't come out so doctor did a procedure on Wednesday and it didn't work so they had to do surgery on Thursday to get the fluid out. She spent some time in the ICU and is in regular room last night. She is in pain and is hoping she is getting better not worse! We hope she will finally be able to come home on Monday or Tuesday!

Happy Valentine Day to you all!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I had good long weekend! Amy and kids came and visit with me on Friday. It was only hour and half drive. It was great to see them! I am trying to catch up with my sleep! Only slept 5 to 6 hours per night while I was away. I was chaperoning 11 girls. The girls were great and I really enjoyed them! I am happy to be back in my own bed and bathroom! I admit I do have OCD when it comes to bathroom! I can't stand hair or dirty in sight!

I just found out this morning that my mom had emergency surgery last night! The doctor had to remove her infected appendix. She has to stay at the hospital til tomorrow or Friday since it was very infected and wanted to see if it hasn't spread in her body. We will go see her this afternoon. Hope she will be okay.

Seth has his last basketball game this Saturday. He had his last practice last night and I see he has improved some. He is ready for basketball to be finished. I think I am going to sign him up for indoor soccer if they allow 4 years old.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, I will be going out of town for 4 nights and 5 days! I will be working. It will be the first time I am away from Rylie! We have never been apart! I am going to miss my babies! I hope I will be okay! There will probably be some times when I feel homesick! BUT when the paycheck comes, I will be glad I went! Amy will be taking two days off from work so she can spend some time with the kids while I am away! I know she is looking forward to it.

Seth is off from school for three days this week! He is very happy about that! He likes school but much prefer stay home! We can't believe he will be in kindergarten this Fall! He will be 5 in 4 more months! I look at him sometimes and wonder where time went! Our first born son is growing up too fast! He is now trying to read and identify words. He loves to do his homework. His teacher has said he is very interested in trying to read. We are very proud of him!

Rylie... We hope she will be going to pre-k this October. I have to apply in Feb to hold a spot for her. The 4 years olds are free but for 3 years olds, we have to pay. We are thinking about Mon, Wed and Fri for her. She can't go til she turns 3 which means she can't go when school opens but wait til Oct 3rd. I think she will love school. When I take Seth, she wants to stay.

Hope everyone is in good health! Everyone has been sick! I had the 24 hr stomach virus last week. I threw up more than 10 times! That was not fun!

Stay warm!

Monday, January 5, 2009

14 YEARS!!!


Happy 14th Anniversary!
Thank you for everything!
Thank you for putting up with me!
Thank you for your patience!
Thank you for giving me two beautiful and wonderful kids!
Thank you for being you!

I love you with all my heart! xoxoxoxo


Thursday, January 1, 2009


We had good Christmas this year! We had to wake Seth and Rylie up since we were on schedule! They tiptoe into living room and saw what Santa got them. Santa was good and gave Seth and Rylie some new toys! Seth said his favorite gifts were bat cave and truck with trailer. He also loves his digital camera. Rylie hasn't shown any favorites yet. They got new movies. "The Cat in the Hat" is their favorite. They have seen it several times already! We had busy Christmas eve and day! Christmas eve, we went to Dada's house to visit for short time then we went to Amy's grandma for dinner. Got home around 9:30. We went to my grandma for Christmas lunch then on to Granna's house. After that, we went to Heather and Maryrose's for Christmas dinner! We all were very tired by Friday and stayed home for 2 days!

Santa's cookies