Friday, October 3, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, Dear Rylie!

Happy Birthday to you!

We can't believe you are 2!!! You have grown into a beautiful little girl! We love you with all our heart!

We will be having a birthday party at home this Sunday. We got her a barbie jeep riding toy and will give to her tonight. Seth is going to be jealous! He got 4-wheeler riding toy that he won't share! Now he is going to let Rylie use his 4-wheeler because he will want to drive the jeep!

The pictures above was taken this morning. I tried to get her to sign "2". She said "twoooo".


Anonymous said...


Happy birthday to you! You are 2 years old! Now you're a big girl.


hotomiky said...

Happy Birthday to you Riley!!

Amy and Angie said...

Rylie said many thanks! Will post birthday party pics.
Angie & Amy