Monday, March 31, 2008

Not much had been happening. Heather and Trevor stayed with us all week! Maryose flew to Florida to stay and visit with her mom. She hasn't seen her mom for about 2 years. Heather and Trevor moved in Seth's room for 11 nights! Seth wanted Heather to stay longer so he could continue sleep with mommy and momma! He is not going to want to sleep in his bed tomorrow night! We really enjoyed their company! Kids loved having Trevor around and they were very caring and gentle with Trevor. Rylie learned a lot how to handle her baby doll the right way. She would burp her baby doll. It is cute to watch! We are going to MISS them!

Rylie just now started to say "mommy" and "momma"! FINALLY! Seth started to talk before he turned one but Rylie just now started to talk. Seth and Rylie's personality are VERY different! It is fun to watch how different they are! Rylie is a comedian. She is very FUNNY! We enjoyed her very much!!!

Seth haven't started a T-ball game. We are still waiting to get his schedule. Hope to get the schedule tomorrow at his practice. He is doing great in school! He is one smart fellow! He loves to read and knows how to read his letter individually. He already got homework for every night. His teacher encourages reading so he has reading to do every night. He loves it! Won't be long before he is in Kindergarten! 16 more months! Where did time go!?!?!

Seth & Rylie:
They are starting to play together! Before, Seth would aggravate Rylie but now they are PLAYING together!! Don't get me wrong, Seth still aggravates Rylie! Rylie will get back to him anyway she can.

He is around 10 lbs now. He goes to doctor in two weeks and will get his first shots! OUCH!!! He is not gonna like it! He is growing a lot! He just now got into size 1 diaper and into 0-3 months clothes but won't be long before he is into 3-6 months clothes!

That's all for now. Will post as soon as I have "new" news!
Take care!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Seth had his FIRST T-ball practice last night. His two other friends are on his team. It was very cute to watch! They had no clue what to do! The coach was very nice and was very patient. Seth will have practice on Tuesdays and Saturdays. His first game will be in April. We look forward to it! I got to practice with Seth on his batting skills.

At first, Seth wasn't sure what Baseball was. He said he didn't want to play baseball. When we went last night and he saw what it was and what he will be doing, he got excited and now he likes baseball. We got him new gloves and baseball shoes. (Bain gave him his old gloves but it is too big. I think he will be able to use it next year) Seth is sooo cute in his baseball shoes! We are going to get him a baseball pants. "Angels" is the name of his team.
I will post pix soon. I forgot my camera last night! Shame on me!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rylie's bed

We decided to change Rylie's crib to daybed. We decided it was time for her to get used to it because we had hard time with Seth when he was younger trying to adjust from crib to big bed. Seth's crib doesn't do daybed. Rylie's changes to daybed then full size bed. She loves it and is doing awesome!!! She likes to get up and be able to leave her room when she needs to. It's cute to watch her get out of her bed and carry her blankets to find her mommy or momma.

One month old Trevor

Here's pictures of Trevor. I think he looks just like his momma, Heather!! He is a good baby. He weighs about 8 lbs now. He's eating 4 oz. of milk every 3 hours!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rylie's update

Rylie is doing much better this morning! Amy took her to the doctor Saturday. Rylie had ear infection and stomach virus. She is on antibiotic for 10 days. This morning she is looking good! She threw up for 4 days! She started to have diarrhea Saturday and still had diarrhea this morning but she is looking much better.
Seth is now starting to cough! He is in school this morning. I hope it's nothing!

Seth and I went to a friend's housewarming party yesterday. It was about an hour and 15 minutes away. She has a nice house and it's very private! Then we went to another friend's brother's new log home. Very nice! I told Amy we got to build a log home when we get a land up in the mountain! (when will that be????) We are taking donations for our land fund!!! HaHa just kidding!!!

Hope everyone is in good health! Seems like everyone is constantly getting sick!!!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sick Girl

Rylie is sooo sick! She had been throwing up since Thursday! I spoke with a nurse yesterday and gave me some advice and said if she still throw up today to call the doctor. I called this morning and the doctor wants to see her. Amy is there now with Rylie. Nothing is staying in her tummy. She had threw up about 12 times in two days! We hope doctor will be able to stop it. I will post as soon as I know something.

Seth is here with me. We are going to clean the garage. He's excited about that! (Don't ask me why! He's kinda odd! ha)
We gotta go do some errands after cleaning the garage. Seth needs to get out. He was "stuck" at home with Momma and Rylie while Mommy went Poppa's funeral.

Poppa's funeral was nice! Had military honor since he served in the army. A fire truck was honored in his name. They made a plate to put on a fire truck because he was the chief and was a firefighter for 30 years! 1954 to 1984. I remember when I was little and often when we visit, he would get a emergency call and zoom out of the door. We are going to miss him greatly! It will be a funny feeling when we go visit grandma and poppa is not there anymore! I am wondering what grandma will do! She is by herself in a 6000 sq. feet house! Yes you read it right! 6000 sq feet! The house have 4 full bathrooms and 2 half bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, walk in attic, basement and 5 garages! and guess who cleans the house? Heather, Maryrose, Amy and me!!! We don't mind!!! It is always nice to go visit them when we go. She is brave to stay in the house by herself! My mom said she might have to get her a dog!

I better stop, Seth is ready to clean the garage! (more like play in the garage!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Poppa Brown

My poppa (my mom's dad) died last night at 9 pm. My sisters and I were able to say good-bye yesterday. He died at home where he wanted to be. He died of kidney failure. He was only 78 years old and the youngest of our 2 sets of grandparents!(my grandma will be 80 March 30th, My dad's mom and dad are 79 & 84 respectively)

People always act surprised when they say "you still have both sets of grandparents!". Not many people are lucky like me! I am 34 and I just lost my first grandfather! I am grateful that I got to know my poppa for 34 years! My grandparents would have been married for 57 years this month on the 17th!

We will miss him!
We love you, Poppa!