Thursday, February 21, 2008


What is it with small kids and "why"?? It's very cute when Seth always say "why". It's never one "why" with one question. One why turns into 20 whys!

For example: "Seth, Do you want to go to the grocery store?"
Seth: "Why do we need to go to the grocery store?"
Mommy: "Because we need some milk and bread"
Seth: "Why do we need milk and bread?"
Mommy: "Because you ate all the bread and Rylie drank all the milk"
Seth: "Why did I eat all the bread?"
Mommy: "Because you eat chicken sandwich three times a day!"
Seth: "Why do I eat chicken sandwich?"
Mommy: "Because you were hungry!"
Seth: "Why do I become hungry?" (his favorite new word is "become")
Mommy: "Because your tummy tells you you need food"
Seth: "Why my tummy tells me I need food?"

You see this will never end!!!! I love this boy! He's funny!!! Very deep thinker!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sick Girl

Rylie is sick with Roseola (skin rash). She had high fever on Saturday (102.5) and Sunday (103.5) Amy took Rylie to the doctor on Sunday and they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Ran some test such as UTI and came out negative. Told us to bring her back if she still have fever on Wednesday. Wednesday morning, Rylie woke up and Amy noticed rashes on her face and neck so I decided that she need to see the doctor again. The minute doctor walked in and saw her, he said "I know!, Roseola".

I look up the internet and see what Roseola is.
It is a disease common in children 3 months to 4 years old. It is caused by a virus called human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). Roseola begins with a high fever (which explains why she had high fever over the weekend)and between 2nd and 4th day of illness, the fever falls dramatically and rash appears. The rash will last from few hours to 2 days. I am hoping tomorrow the rash will go away. Doctor said no medicine is necessary and it will go away on its own. She is fine now but the rash is there. Last weekend, she worried us because she was weak and so pitiful. Adults can't get it but children can! I sure hope Seth doesn't get it! We have a newborn to be with but Rylie for now can't see Trevor til maybe Saturday or Sunday. She haven't met her tiny cousin!

Good news! Heather, Maryrose and "Tiny Trevor" will be going home today!!! They should be home after lunch. They can't wait to be home!!! Gonna be a big change for them!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trevor Otto

Trevor has arrived!

5 lbs 15 oz
19 1/2 inches long
1:36 PM

Heather had to have C-section at the last minute! Trevor's heart kept going down and down so doctor said C-section now! Sure enough there was cord around Trevor's neck!
He is soooooo TINY! We couldn't believe he only weighs 5 lbs and 15 oz!!! and Heather is at 40th week! We all were VERY wrong when we guess 7 lbs or 8 lbs!!! What happened???????
He looks just like me!!!!!!!! (I think!) He sure got my chin!!! Heather is doing great! She is happy that Trevor is out and safe!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today is the Day!

Heather and Maryrose are to be at the hospital this morning at 5!!! Will start inducing sometime this morning. Missie and Karen will be staying at my house to babysit Seth and Rylie so I can go and be a photographer! I am thrilled when asked to be in the room and share their experience. My mom will also be in the room. We can't wait to meet Trevor!!!
Will post when Trevor comes out!

Wish Heather good luck for smooth delivery!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Is today the Day???
We shall See!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Heather's still preggy

Trevor is still in Heather's tummy! I thought I was going to meet Trevor last Friday! We thought Heather's water broke and she went to the doctor. The doctor did a test and said water did not break. It was Trevor pushing down on her bladder.

Trevor!!! You and I need to have a talk!!! It's time to come out! It's time to meet everyone! Seth is asking about you every minute! Come out and play with Seth!!! Come out and let me spoil you to death!!! We want to see if you are as cute as your aunt Angie!!!

I will post when Trevor decides to come out! Heather has been having contractions but it's not bad ones yet and it's not 3 minutes apart!!! All we have to do is WAIT and WAIT and WAIT and WAIT!!!