Thursday, July 26, 2007

2nd Parent Adoption

We are still working on our 2nd parent adoption. We are now working on homestudy. It is required for adoption procedure. We have to have 2 home visits by a social worker. The first visit will be scheduled soon. Once the home visits are done, the social worker will write up a report and send to my lawyer then the lawyer will turn my case over to a judge in Durham. Hopefully all of this will be done in about 6 weeks! We can't wait!


Dee said...

Isn't it ridiculous we have to do 2nd parent adoptions?! Fires me up. But, in the lovely state of Utah, we can't even do that!!

Good luck with the home visits!

Amy and Angie said...

Ohhh the hoops we jump thru to be "normal"! To date, there is only one judge granting these adoptions in the State. It's about a two hour drive from our house. But it's worth it. Hope more judges will catch on.

BTW... jumped over to your blog... Lovely family! Don't close your eyes for even one second or your lil one will be all growed up!!

Anonymous said...

You're making history. You are paving the way for a better future for all gay parents where they will no longer have to apply for 2nd adoption and automatically be recognized as parents by marriage or domestic partnership.

I have no worries about the home both are awesome parents! Keep a positive outlook on the adoption result.

Hang in proud!
