Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Seth's new hearing aid

Seth got a new hearing aid yesterday. He might not keep it because the audiologist did a test and it shows that he has no hearing in his right ear. We are to try the hearing aid for one week. The audiologist is afraid that the hearing aid might affect his speech and make him confused. The audiologist was very pleased with his speech. She said he talks clear than most 5 years olds. We will see how this week goes.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

2nd Parent Adoption

We are still working on our 2nd parent adoption. We are now working on homestudy. It is required for adoption procedure. We have to have 2 home visits by a social worker. The first visit will be scheduled soon. Once the home visits are done, the social worker will write up a report and send to my lawyer then the lawyer will turn my case over to a judge in Durham. Hopefully all of this will be done in about 6 weeks! We can't wait!


Seth will be going to preschool starting August 27th. He will be going to school everyday. We started to talk about preschool. We explained to him that Mommy and Momma will not be staying with him. He said he is not going. Seth said he will go to school later. He wants Mommy to stay with him. We will see how it goes once school starts!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Rylie's crawling!

Rylie finally decided it's time to crawl! Last night she crawled all over the living room. Soon Rylie will be after her brother. Seth usually steal toys away from Rylie. I am waiting on the day she will go after Seth!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Rylie is getting better!

Rylie has been sick with bad congestion. I had to take her to the doctor to get her some strong medicine. Rylie is finally starting to feel better and is almost back to normal. She is still attempting to crawl. We think she will be crawling at full force any day now.

Seth's 1st pedicure

Last night Seth and I went to the mall. Seth wanted a pedicure. I wish I had brought my camera but it was not planned. He loved the special treatment. He chose purple for his toenails because purple is his favorite color.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Heather and Maryrose are expecting!

Heather (my older sister) and her partner Maryrose are expecting! Due date is Feb. 14th! They are excited and so are we! We will find out if it's a girl or boy in Sept. Everyone wants a girl but I say it's a boy! Congrats to Heather and Maryrose!

Rylie crawling??? Not YET!

Rylie is trying to crawl. She only can do 3 before she falls down. She gets frustrated because she can't get to anywhere! Her brother, Seth, crawled when he was 6 months old. Go Rylie! Go Rylie! Go Rylie!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rosie and the crew

We met Rosie. She was in the pool with us. She came up to Rylie and tried to talk to Rylie but Rylie cried. She is not people person unlike her big brother! We took picture with her. Thanks, Rosie!

Back from R Family Vacation!

Hi everyone! We just got back from New York. We had GREAT time! We did not want to leave! Everyone on the boat were very friendly! It was an awesome experience! Seth and Rylie did great on the boat! Seth did not want to come home. He met some new friends. Mikaela is his friend from Maryland. Sophia is Seth's new friend from Indiana.
We flew back home on Sunday (July 15th). Amy had to work on Monday. She did not want to go back! She was spoiled with 10 days vacation!

Happy Birthday to Angie!

Welcome! This is first blog for us! We wanted to do this so our family and friends can see our kids and what they are doing!

Today is my 34th Birthday!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday, Dear Mommy, Angie, me!!!!
Happy Birthday to me!