Santa was very good to Seth & Rylie! They got some nice toys! They were surprised to see new toys just for them! Rylie actually ran to them! It was cute to watch. We captured everything on video. Here are some pics.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Santa was very good to Seth & Rylie! They got some nice toys! They were surprised to see new toys just for them! Rylie actually ran to them! It was cute to watch. We captured everything on video. Here are some pics.
Bain's Birthday
Sorry I have been behind with my blog. We have been very BUSY with little things! We went to Barry (Amy's brother) & Terri's house for Bain's 8th birthday party and Christmas party on the 22nd. Our kids enjoyed spending the day at their house. They have a ferret named
"Moe" but we called it the "RAT"! EEWWW!!! Rylie seems to enjoy the "RAT"! Seth chased it around the house!
Here is a video of Rylie and the "RAT"!
"Moe" but we called it the "RAT"! EEWWW!!! Rylie seems to enjoy the "RAT"! Seth chased it around the house!
Here is a video of Rylie and the "RAT"!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Adoption Update
Just an update. We have a date to show up in court. JAN 18th!!!! My lawyer has warned me that the judge could deny the adoption. We HOPE this will not happen!!! Cross your fingers for me!!! We look foward to put this to the end! It has been almost a year!
Santa's visit

We took Seth and Rylie to see Santa. As you can see Rylie does not like Santa! She was already nodding "NO" when we approached Santa. Poor girl! Santa asked Seth what he wanted, he said tractor and saw. Why saw? He always watch Mommy work on projects and tend to use saw.
This week is last week of school! I know Seth is ready for his Christmas break so he can sleep in and stay in pajamas! We look forward to Christmas! Hope we get white Christmas but won't hold my breath on that!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hi! Sorry it has been a while since I have blogged. We have been busy. Nothing new has happened anyway.
We put up our Christmas tree day after Thanksgiving. I will post pictures soon!
Kids are doing great. Seth loves school. Rylie is signing more and is officially walking! No more crawling!
We are ready for Christmas! 20 more days! Can't wait to watch Seth and Rylie open their presents.
Lisa, Nancy, Missie, Dana and I are hosting a baby shower this Saturday for Heather and Maryrose. We are looking forward to it. We hope the ladies will get what they need for Trevor! Heather is doing great! She said Trevor is one wild boy! He loves to move and kick around. We can't wait to meet him!
I will post some pictures soon! Bear with me!!!!
We put up our Christmas tree day after Thanksgiving. I will post pictures soon!
Kids are doing great. Seth loves school. Rylie is signing more and is officially walking! No more crawling!
We are ready for Christmas! 20 more days! Can't wait to watch Seth and Rylie open their presents.
Lisa, Nancy, Missie, Dana and I are hosting a baby shower this Saturday for Heather and Maryrose. We are looking forward to it. We hope the ladies will get what they need for Trevor! Heather is doing great! She said Trevor is one wild boy! He loves to move and kick around. We can't wait to meet him!
I will post some pictures soon! Bear with me!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Just thought I would post and let everyone know how we have been doing. Seth is off today from school due to Veteran day. Yesterday, my mom turned 56! She went on cruise with her husband last week and said she had good time. Rylie is starting to walk steady. She hasn't walked 100% but soon she will! She is starting to sign. She can sign "more, drink, dog, please, duck".
Seth is doing great in school. We had parents conference last Tuesday. Seth's teacher said Seth is doing great and is learning a lot everyday. We can see he is getting smarter everyday! She said she can see Seth being a leader next year in her classroom.
We can't believe Christmas is coming up! We shopped for Seth's Christmas gifts last week. We will do Rylie this week or next week.
Thanksgiving is next week! We will go to my mom's family for lunch then spend dinner with Amy's family. Christmas, we will spend our time with my family. We decided to try something different this year. Last year, it was hard trying to see everyone, we would go to my mom's, Amy's family then to my family all in one day! It was too much for the kids! We want to enjoy our holidays so we will see how this year goes. Hope everyone will enjoy their Thanksgiving this year!
Seth is doing great in school. We had parents conference last Tuesday. Seth's teacher said Seth is doing great and is learning a lot everyday. We can see he is getting smarter everyday! She said she can see Seth being a leader next year in her classroom.
We can't believe Christmas is coming up! We shopped for Seth's Christmas gifts last week. We will do Rylie this week or next week.
Thanksgiving is next week! We will go to my mom's family for lunch then spend dinner with Amy's family. Christmas, we will spend our time with my family. We decided to try something different this year. Last year, it was hard trying to see everyone, we would go to my mom's, Amy's family then to my family all in one day! It was too much for the kids! We want to enjoy our holidays so we will see how this year goes. Hope everyone will enjoy their Thanksgiving this year!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Guess who's sick now?
Seth climbed in the bed with us sometime early this morning and was restless. He turned the lights on and was whining so I took his pajamas off. He went back to sleep then at 4 he threw up on me!!! Rylie threw up on me several times on Friday and now Seth! Lucky Momma didn't get any vomit on her!
He threw up 2 more times after 6 am and now is having diarrhea. He is running fever and is sleeping as I type. Rylie is better and her appetite is back!
Let's see if Mommy and/or Momma get sick!!! We hope not!!!
He threw up 2 more times after 6 am and now is having diarrhea. He is running fever and is sleeping as I type. Rylie is better and her appetite is back!
Let's see if Mommy and/or Momma get sick!!! We hope not!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rylie had been sick all weekend! Seth stayed with Heather on Friday. Rylie, Momma and I went to Lowes. On way home, Rylie threw up all over herself! As soon as we got home, I gave her a bath. We thought it was something she ate but NO, she threw up again. Gave her another bath then put her in bed because she was so tired! 30 minutes later, she threw up on her bed. Cleaned her up, changed her sheets. She went to sleep. 30 minutes later, threw up again! (4th time) I called the doctor to see if we could give some medicine if any. Nurse said not to give her anything for one hour then if no vomit, give her clear liquid. She was sooo sleepy so we put her down to sleep. Momma and I went to bed, 15 minutes later Rylie threw up!!! (5th time) She was pitiful. Changed her and went right back to sleep and did not throw up all night. She didn't have any appetite on Saturday and slept most of the day. Sunday, Amy shared her eggs with Rylie and guess what! Rylie threw up again!!! That was the last time! Then she started to have diarrhea! Today is the first day she got her appetite again and no diarrhea!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
We went up to the mountain to a farm. We had great time! Seth is so proud of his little pumpkin. He said he didn't want big but a small pumpkin. It took him a while to find the right one! We will be carving them tonight! I will post them as soon as I can. Here are some pix from the pumpkin patch. (Sorry pix are not working, I will post them as soon as it's working)
First steps
Rylie is now trying to walk. She can do 10 steps at a time before she falls down. She recognize she can walk so she is attempting to walk more than she is crawling. Soon she will be running around and chasing her brother! She is not going to want us to hold her often now that she knows she can walk! We are going to want another baby!!! Should we??? Seth and Rylie are growing up too fast!!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Rylie's 1st Birthday Party
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Rylie's 1st Birthday!
Happy First Birthday to you!
Happy First Birthday to you!
Happy First Birthday, Dear sweet Rylie!
Happy First Birthday to you!!!!!
Today is her FIRST birthday! We can't believe she is ONE already! The year had flew by too fast! She is not yet walking but wants to!!! She have 4 teeth and there are 2 more coming out soon from the top. She loves FOOD!!! She is signing some words, "Momma", "Eat", "Drink", "More", "See" and "Dog". She doesn't say any words except for "Hey" and "Mommy"!
Happy First Birthday to you!
Happy First Birthday, Dear sweet Rylie!
Happy First Birthday to you!!!!!
Today is her FIRST birthday! We can't believe she is ONE already! The year had flew by too fast! She is not yet walking but wants to!!! She have 4 teeth and there are 2 more coming out soon from the top. She loves FOOD!!! She is signing some words, "Momma", "Eat", "Drink", "More", "See" and "Dog". She doesn't say any words except for "Hey" and "Mommy"!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Raffle Tickets
Seth was placed 8th for selling most tickets at his school!!! He won a big bucket of sports ball and other games. (Basketball, soccer, football, air pump, big freesbee and 2 other games) He was thrilled when he saw his prize! A teacher's grandmother won the thousand dollars. SORRY!!! Thank you all for your help with the raffle tickets!!! My dad won free oil change and tire rotations at a local automobile store.
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's a BOY!
Heather and Maryrose will have a son! His name will be Trevor Otto. The name Otto comes from my grandfather on my mother's side. His name is Joseph Otto. We are excited to have a new nephew and 1st cousin for Seth and Rylie. The theme for his room will be "pirate". Maryrose has already made a layout for the room and it is a "big" job! I gotta put my work clothes on and get started! We will see how it goes. If it goes well as planned, it might be published in a magazine! We shall see!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Girl or Boy?
Heather and Maryrose have gone to doctor for ultrasound this morning! Guess what it is!!! I know the answer!!!!! Is it Trevor or Mallory??? Let's wait and I will tell you soon so they can announce the sex themselves first to whoever they want to tell first.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Seth and School
Sorry it's been awhile since I have post. I have been very busy. Seth loves his school. Tuesday was the first day he didn't cry for Mommy. Yesterday he ran to his school and open the door, kissed me, signed "I love you" and said bye! Wow!!! I thought it would take him a while to get him to like school because he was really crying and holding onto me up til Tuesday! I am very proud of him! It is hard for us to believe he is in school! For two weeks, teacher asked each student to wear something that has color that she marked down for each day. He already knows his color but he enjoys it anyway. Next week Seth's class will be learning about shapes then numbers. We can't wait to see how much he will learn this year!
Rylie is enjoying her time alone with her Mommy. She is getting all the attention from Mommy. We go grocery shopping, eat lunch with Aunt Heather, etc.
Rylie is enjoying her time alone with her Mommy. She is getting all the attention from Mommy. We go grocery shopping, eat lunch with Aunt Heather, etc.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Beach Trip
Seth's First day of School

Seth started Pre-K on Thursday (August 30th). He did good and did not cry but he had me stay with him for 30 minutes. He said he likes school. Today is his 4th day of school and he is now trying to adjust into different routine. He eats breakfast and lunch at school. When he comes home, he asked for cheese toast and chocolate milk
because that is his breakfast at home.
It will take time for him to get into school routine!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
My first shoes!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Rylie's tooth came OUT!
Rylie got new tooth! It came out on the bottom. Her next one will be from the top. I can see more of white breaking through the gum. She is cranky at times.
['-0oo;p[=''[''[[['(Rylie took over the laptop!)
['-0oo;p[=''[''[[['(Rylie took over the laptop!)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Rylie is getting new teeth any day now! Her upper gum are swollen and I can see white part of tooth trying to break through her gum. Amy said she felt Rylie's bottom gum and thinks a tooth is coming out from there. Poor Rylie but she is not complaining yet! Seth had his first at 9 and half months. Rylie is almost 11 months!
Seth is set to start school on the 30th. He is ready but still wants me to stay with him. We shall see how his first day goes! I will miss having him with me at home! Rylie will have my full attention like Seth had when he was smaller.
Seth is set to start school on the 30th. He is ready but still wants me to stay with him. We shall see how his first day goes! I will miss having him with me at home! Rylie will have my full attention like Seth had when he was smaller.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Back from the Beach
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Seth, Rylie and I will be going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow with Heather, Maryrose, Missie and Karen. Amy will join us after work on Friday. We wish she could take the time off and go with us! When we come back, I promise to add some new pictures of the kids.
Have a GREAT rest of the week!!!!
Have a GREAT rest of the week!!!!
Home Visit
We had our first home visit last night. It went great! It was not a strict visit, Margaret (social worker) was more like a "friend". She said she knows we raised the children together and just need few more questions to complete. The home visit was suppose to last 2 to 3 hours but she only stayed for an hour. She will come back on Monday the 13th to do the required 2nd home visit then she will send off the report to my lawyer. She said we should have our big celebration in about a month. We can't WAIT!!!!!!
Monday, August 6, 2007
More Birthdays!
We want to sing/sign Papa (August 5th, Amy's step-dad) and Paw Paw (August 6th, Amy's dad) "Happy Birthday"! We hope you have a GREAT one! We Love You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Papa & Paw Paw!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Papa & Paw Paw!
Happy Birthday to You!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Happy Birthday to you, Heather!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Seth's new hearing aid

Seth got a new hearing aid yesterday. He might not keep it because the audiologist did a test and it shows that he has no hearing in his right ear. We are to try the hearing aid for one week. The audiologist is afraid that the hearing aid might affect his speech and make him confused. The audiologist was very pleased with his speech. She said he talks clear than most 5 years olds. We will see how this week goes.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
2nd Parent Adoption
We are still working on our 2nd parent adoption. We are now working on homestudy. It is required for adoption procedure. We have to have 2 home visits by a social worker. The first visit will be scheduled soon. Once the home visits are done, the social worker will write up a report and send to my lawyer then the lawyer will turn my case over to a judge in Durham. Hopefully all of this will be done in about 6 weeks! We can't wait!
Seth will be going to preschool starting August 27th. He will be going to school everyday. We started to talk about preschool. We explained to him that Mommy and Momma will not be staying with him. He said he is not going. Seth said he will go to school later. He wants Mommy to stay with him. We will see how it goes once school starts!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Rylie's crawling!
Rylie finally decided it's time to crawl! Last night she crawled all over the living room. Soon Rylie will be after her brother. Seth usually steal toys away from Rylie. I am waiting on the day she will go after Seth!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Rylie is getting better!
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