We went hiking last Sunday. It was nice and cool. Kids had good time. Kids loved the creek and the waterfall. Amy and I were very tired walking back because Seth and Rylie were too tired to walk and we had to carry them!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Rylie's bed, Seth's room and Hiking
We went hiking last Sunday. It was nice and cool. Kids had good time. Kids loved the creek and the waterfall. Amy and I were very tired walking back because Seth and Rylie were too tired to walk and we had to carry them!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sorry I haven't blog lately! Amy got sick with the FLU and had to miss two and half days of work! She was SICK! She stayed in the bed most of the time! She is much better and is back to work. I did get sick with colds and coughs but no fever. I am better now!
Seth and I went to Virginia for my basketball tournament. My team played against two other teams. We won the tournament and we get to go to California for national championship. I decided not to go since money is tight.
Seth will start baseball again this year. I was asked to coach his team! I am looking forward to it! I am waiting on the schedule and team roster from the director. It will be a fun experience for me!
Seth is now taking swimming lessons. He loves swimming. He has 6 evening classes. Tonight will be his third. Rylie can't take swimming lessons til she turns 3.
We are going to attempt gardening this year! We asked a friend to plow for us. He has started and is not finished. He will come back this Thursday and try to finish. We plan to plant green beans, cantelope, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, and roma lettuce. I think it will be fun to watch them grow! Kids will enjoy the garden. I will post pictures soon!