Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random pictures!

Seth and snow about three weeks ago! Rylie enjoying ice cream and cupcake on Trevor's birthday!

Rylie drawing on herself! She loves markers!

Rylie all dressed up for Valentine's day!
Messy boy on his birthday!

Trevor loves to climb on anything!!!

Seth's basketball medal!

Trevor fell asleep sitting in his booster chair!

Momma and Rylie on snow day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yesterday morning, Amy and Seth had a conversation. Amy asked Seth if he would be her baby FOREVER! He said no because he wants to be a daddy. Amy asked how many children does he want? Seth said 3 and Amy said how about 10 children? He said no, I might not remember their names.

Trevor celebrated his FIRST birthday on February 12th! We had a little party that night. He liked the cupcake. I will post video and pictures sometime this weekend.

Amy, Seth, Rylie and I are going to Monster Jam today! Seth has been looking forward to it for sooo long!!! He is going to love it! I am not sure about Rylie but I think she will do okay. We are going to borrow my dad's headphones so it won't hurt their ears.

My mom went back to the hospital last week and is still there! Heather and I visited her last night. She had busted appendix and the doctor removed it. She stayed for few days and went home. She had to go back since she couldn't breathe so they found that she had fluid in one of her lung and it collapsed. They put a big tube in her so it can be drained out. Well, all the fluid wouldn't come out so doctor did a procedure on Wednesday and it didn't work so they had to do surgery on Thursday to get the fluid out. She spent some time in the ICU and is in regular room last night. She is in pain and is hoping she is getting better not worse! We hope she will finally be able to come home on Monday or Tuesday!

Happy Valentine Day to you all!!!!!