Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rylie's FIRST haircut!!!

Before first haircut

After first haircut

We took Rylie to her very FIRST haircut! Her hair was getting out of control and couldn't do anything to it. We were amazed she did not even cry or fight to get her haircut. She was awesome! When Seth had his first haircut, he cried and cried!!! Seth had his at 15 months old. Rylie got hers at 26 months. She looks so cute!!! like a little girl!
Seth usually goes to a barber but he wanted one yesterday since he wanted to sit in a firetruck.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sick Seth!!!

I have been meaning to post sooner but ended up doing other things! Seth had been out of school since Tuesday! He was warm when I picked him up on Monday from school. Early Tuesday morning, he woke up with fever so he stayed home. He did not have any symptoms but fever. I asked him if his ears or throat hurts, he said no. Early Wednesday morning, he ran fever again so I called the doctor and brought him in. He think it was viral infection since Seth's throat was a little swollen from the outside of his neck. He did not act or look sick except for fever. Doctor said to bring him back on Friday if he still has fever. I couldn't take him to school unless he was free from fever for at least 24 hours. I was so sure he would go to school on Thursday. No! He woke up 1:30 am with fever of 101.5 so I gave him some Motrin and water and we went back to sleep. Called the doctor yesterday and brought him in. Nurse pricked his finger. His result came back normal so doctor is pretty sure that the viral is taking Seth longer to recover. Yesterday was actually the first day he looks and acts sick!!! I think he will not be playing his second basketball game this morning because he is starting to cough. Rylie is starting to cough too! I hope he will be better so he can go back to school on Monday for his last week before Christmas holiday!

I have some pictures that I need to post. I will do that soon!