Thursday, July 31, 2008

Seth & Rylie

I think this is the best picture of Seth & Rylie together! It took several tries! Don't they look alike??? Heather fixed Rylie's hair for me. I got to learn how to do it! I can do pony tail but not like this!

5 Months Old Trevor

Monday, July 21, 2008


Seth is now jumping off the diving board and swimming in the deep water! We are so proud of him! Amy has decided that he is a swimmer and think he will want to be on the swim team. I will encourage it when he is a little older. We have been swimming almost everyday! Today I have decided that we stay home to give ourselves break from the sun and water!
We went to a friend's birthday party at a rec pool on Saturday then Sunday we went to the lake for our niece's 11th birthday party. We rode on a pontoon then Seth and I rode on a ski boat. He loved it! He decided that he wants to have his 5th birthday party at his Aunt Lucy's house on the lake!
Rylie likes the water but she doesn't stay in the water. She goes in and out. Seth did that when he was at that age. Next year Rylie should be in the water more often. We will be going to the beach in two weeks. Seth has been begging to go to the beach NOW! We all are looking forward to it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Well I am borrowing the blog to sing to Angie just like she does for everyone else!

*clearing throat*
la la la la (searching for the right tune)

(slightly off key)

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Angie/Mommy
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu!

*blows candles*
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (For those of you who don't wanna count, that's 35 candles!)

We love you!
Amy, Seth and Rylie

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 4th Vacation

We went out of town for our July 4th vacation. We had great time! We stayed at a brand new RV park. It just opened on July 1st. We arrived July 2nd. Seth was the first person to try out their new swimming pool but it was too cold. They have a hotel across the street that has 4 heated pools and we were allowed to use them. Kids loved the pools! We took kids to kiddie amusement park. They loved it! We went back on Saturday so we could take Seth to ride the go-kart. We went on the double seater go-kart. Seth really enjoyed the go-kart rides! He went once with me then went again with Momma. I forgot to bring camera when we went on the go-kart rides.
Rylie and Seth were not ready to go back home! They loved to stay on the travel trailer. Seth wanted us to go straight to the beach when we left on Sunday. I wish we could and we would if we were a millionaire! We are taking donations! (haha)

Rylie and Seth on boat ride. Rylie wasn't too sure at first!

Rylie and Seth on plane. Seth demanded to get on the red plane!

Our precious Rylie!

Our handsome Seth!

Trevor taking a bath

Momma, Seth, Mommy & Rylie

Heather, Trevor & Maryrose

July 4th family picture

Momma & Seth working on marshmallows

Seth was sooo tired he fell asleep on Momma during fireworks

Mommy & Rylie

Rylie, Mommy, Trevor, Maryrose & Seth

Rylie playing in the mud water (It rained Saturday night when we were sleeping)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Seth has this thing about covering up corner of our living room with toys and cushions! Rylie helps him too! They like to climb over the cushions and play in the corner! Looks like fun but only for little people!!!

Seth found Rainbow!

Seth and Momma were reading books in his bed last night and when Seth look out his window (arch window with no blinds)he saw rainbow! So we went outside and took pictures. He was so excited that he found the rainbow! The rainbow was very pretty! Momma and I discussed that we have never seen the rainbow that strong!