Friday, May 30, 2008

Amy is 30!!!!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Dear Momma!
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu!!!!

You are finally 30! I have been looking forward to this day for 13 years! HA HA!!! We love you!!!! Even though you had to work today, hope you have a Great day!!!

Seth, RJ & Mommy

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Birthday party

Seth had his 4th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. He had a blast! The night went perfect! We couldn't ask for a better night! Terri (Amy's sis in law) made awesome birthday cake for Seth! It was perfect!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Seth's 4th Birthday

May 20th, 2008
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy 4th Birthday, Seth!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

We love you very much and look forward to many more years with you!
Mommy, Momma and Rylie


I know you can't read my message yet but someday you will!
I want you to know how much I love you from the day you entered this world!
You mean the world to me!
I can't imagine my life without you!
You make me proud in everything you do!
I love to take you everywhere with me.
You are very smart little boy!
You are one handsome fellow!
You amaze me every minute!
You got great sense of humor just like me!
You don't know it yet but I see myself in you!
Our personality are so much alike!
I look forward to many many many more years with you!!!!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

May Birthdays!!!


She is 43 today! Seth is sooo ready for his birthday to come this Tuesday! Then we got to celebrate Momma's birthday (May 30th)! She will finallllly be 30!!!! Can't wait for that day to come!!!! I feel like she's been in her tens and twenties too long!!!! Welcome to the thirties!!!

There are a lot of birthdays in May!

Dirk (Mommy's cousin) May 9th- 25 years old!!!
Barbara (Mommy's aunt) May 16th
Maryrose May 18th 43 years old!!!
Lucy (Momma's aunt) May 19th
Seth May 20th 4 years old!!!
Amy May 30th 30 years old!!!

Happy Birthday to you all!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sorry I have not blog lately! We don't have exciting lives! Rylie started going to "mommy and me" gym class on Mondays. The first time we went, she cried the whole time! She didn't like it! It was her first experience being in a "class". Second time we went, she cried again! But the last 5 minutes, she decided to explore the trampoline. She loved it! Third time we went, she liked the class! I decided to just let her do whatever she wants to do and let her get comfortable. Last Monday, WOW! she did sooooo much better! We actually followed the teacher! There were different stations we had to do and she did them all and loved it! I was so proud of her!

Seth is still playing baseball. Last game will be first weekend in June. His birthday is coming up! He is getting excited because the party will be at Chuck E. Cheese! He loves that place! We are inviting about 10 kids and hopefully they all can help us celebrate Seth's 4th birthday!

Amy and I had his IEP meeting at his school yesterday. It went very well. We were hoping to put him in the summer program to keep him into the "school" mode BUT he does not qualify because he is too smart! That makes us proud. I will try to find some things he can do during his summer break beside swimming at Heather's!

I am to babysit Trevor on Tuesdays and Thursdays since Heather is going back to work next week on Tuesday! Heather DOES NOT want to go back to work! It is going to be hard! Maryrose teaches ASL classes on Tues and Thurs. I will know how my mom feels when I keep 3 kids because Seth, Rylie and Trevor are around the same age range when Heather, Dana and I were little. My mom was only 22 years old but I'm way older now than when she was back then. I look forward to see Trevor grow when he stays with me. He still looks just like Heather! When I hold him, I feel like Heather is looking at me! Spooky!!!!!

Our house is being remodeled right now! We decided to put siding on our house since it is time to paint! It is cheaper to put siding than paint the house every 5 years! We also are getting new windows. The windows are not that old but they are not very safe for our kids. Some locks are broke and cheap so we decided to put in new windows. I will post some pix when they are done. It will be about 3 weeks before they will be done.

I will try and blog as soon as I have some exciting news! Doesn't happen very often!