Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trevor coming??

Heather went to the doctor yesterday and she is now dilated 1 cm and her cervix is soft. Trevor is coming any day now!!! We can't wait!!!
The doctor has scheduled to induce on the 12th of Feb. Doctor did want to do 7th but Heather said she is not ready! Come on Heather!!! We wanna meet Trevor!!!

Right now Heather needs to get well. She has bad bad bad head colds!!! Get well soon!!!

14 more days if not before!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008


We are trying to get Seth to poop in the potty. He only will poop in his pull-ups. He pees in the potty with no problem but poop, no!!! This week has gotten better because he would sit and try. Before he wouldn't sit on the potty, he would cry and cry if we put him on the potty. Now he will go and sit for few mins. That's a big step for him!!! Rylie loves to sit on the potty. She has had poop in the potty two or three times already! She even pees in the potty! She loves it!!! I heard girls are easy to train than boys are!!!


Seth is so ready to meet Trevor! He is all Seth talks about! Trevor this, Trevor that!!!! We can't wait to meet him and hold him! We went to 3D/4D ultrasound with Heather and Maryrose and Trevor looks just like his Momma!!! Heather is due anytime now. Trevor was in breech position last week but now his head is down and is ready to come out! Heather is going into 38th week. We all are getting very excited!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Legal Family

The judge has granted me the adoption of Seth and Rylie. It was a great experience! The hearing was informal and simple. The judge was awesome and very laid back! When she walked to her seat, I knew she would grant us the adoption.

My family has always been my family but it wasn't legal! Now our kids have two legal mothers!!! Thank you for your support!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Court Hearing

3 More Days!!! We are getting nervous! We have never been in a court. That shows how good we have been! Seth has already packed his clothes! He is excited about the hotel!
The weather is suppose to get bad tomorrow so hopefully it won't effect our trip on Thursday.
Send your positive thoughts our way and hope we come home as a legal family!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Rylie and Seth have been sick in last two weeks! I took Rylie to the doctor two weeks ago and said she has ear infection in right ear. It's her first ear infection at 15 months old. I can't complain because lots of children have ear infections often. Seth had it only once when he was a baby. She is on medicine for 10 days and today is the last day! She is much better!

Poor Seth! He has been sick for 5 days now with diarrhea. He threw up twice on Wednesday and Friday. He is not running fever. He's been having diarrhea about 10 times a day! I called the doctor's office yesterday and the nurse said to put him on the "BRAT" diet and give him some Gatorade.

1. Bananas
2. Rice
3. Applesauce
4. Toast

This morning he seems to be much better but he hasn't eat breakfast so I hope he is done with diarrhea! If not, he has to go see the doctor today before 11 am.
Hope he will be able to go to school tomorrow! He missed 3 days of school. He missed 5 days of school before Christmas due to bad colds and pink eyes!
He hardly gets sick before he started school. He's not really exposed to germs since he stays home with me and now he is in school and is around lots of germs! I got to get used to him to being sick!

Friday, January 4, 2008


1. Hotel.... Seth has been wanting to stay at a hotel for a while. He said we need to go back to New York to stay at a hotel. We have decided we will stay at a hotel the night before our adoption hearing since it is 3 hours away. Our hearing is at 12 and we don't want to have to rush Friday morning so we will leave Thursday afternoon (17th). We told Seth and he is very excited because we are going to stay at a hotel! Don't ask me why he likes hotel!
2. Toilet.... Rylie and I were cleaning up the living room. I asked Rylie to put my socks in the bathroom along with other dirty clothes. She went to the bathroom. I checked later to make sure she did do what I asked. She put one of the sock in the commode! Last week, she put one of her baby doll in the toilet right after Seth peed! The doll stank!!!! I had to soak it in the sink with soap overnight. Rylie has been putting things in the toilet! We have never had that problem with Seth when he was at that age!
3. Doll....Rylie got two cabbage patch newborn dolls. One from Nana and other one from Granna. She loves them!!! She would carry them everywhere! If I put them away, she would go right to them and take them with her! She was not into dolls before Christmas but after she got those "newborn" dolls, she is in love with dolls! It's so cute to watch her with dolls. Just like a little girl should be doing!!!
4. Wisdom....Amy had 3 wisdom teeth removed on the 31st. She is still in pain and very sore. She had one of the wisdom removed when she was younger. She is on soft food diet for another 5 days or less. I tease her and tell her she looks like the girl who plays in "Shallow Hal". Her cheeks are swollen. She can't wait til she is fully recovered so she can chew her food!
5. Other house....We finally SOLD our "other" house! We closed on the 28th!!! We are so relieved since it was a burden to us financially! Don't get us wrong but we really enjoyed the house. It gave us many good experience working on the house. We would like to do it again in our area when we can financially afford it.
6. 13 Years!....Tomorrow (January 5th)... Amy and I celebrate our 13 years together! WOW 13 years!!! Can't believe it's been that long! We got two great kids, a house to grow old in, good jobs, vehicles to drive in, I can't ask for a better life!!!! It's perfect!!!!

Amy... Thank you for great 13 years! Thank you for giving me two great kids! They are PERFECT!!!! Thank you for being patient with me!!! I love you with all my HEART!!!!