Friday, December 28, 2007


Santa was very good to Seth & Rylie! They got some nice toys! They were surprised to see new toys just for them! Rylie actually ran to them! It was cute to watch. We captured everything on video. Here are some pics.

Bain's Birthday

Sorry I have been behind with my blog. We have been very BUSY with little things! We went to Barry (Amy's brother) & Terri's house for Bain's 8th birthday party and Christmas party on the 22nd. Our kids enjoyed spending the day at their house. They have a ferret named
"Moe" but we called it the "RAT"! EEWWW!!! Rylie seems to enjoy the "RAT"! Seth chased it around the house!
Here is a video of Rylie and the "RAT"!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Adoption Update

Just an update. We have a date to show up in court. JAN 18th!!!! My lawyer has warned me that the judge could deny the adoption. We HOPE this will not happen!!! Cross your fingers for me!!! We look foward to put this to the end! It has been almost a year!

Santa's visit

We took Seth and Rylie to see Santa. As you can see Rylie does not like Santa! She was already nodding "NO" when we approached Santa. Poor girl! Santa asked Seth what he wanted, he said tractor and saw. Why saw? He always watch Mommy work on projects and tend to use saw.

This week is last week of school! I know Seth is ready for his Christmas break so he can sleep in and stay in pajamas! We look forward to Christmas! Hope we get white Christmas but won't hold my breath on that!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Hi! Sorry it has been a while since I have blogged. We have been busy. Nothing new has happened anyway.

We put up our Christmas tree day after Thanksgiving. I will post pictures soon!
Kids are doing great. Seth loves school. Rylie is signing more and is officially walking! No more crawling!
We are ready for Christmas! 20 more days! Can't wait to watch Seth and Rylie open their presents.

Lisa, Nancy, Missie, Dana and I are hosting a baby shower this Saturday for Heather and Maryrose. We are looking forward to it. We hope the ladies will get what they need for Trevor! Heather is doing great! She said Trevor is one wild boy! He loves to move and kick around. We can't wait to meet him!
I will post some pictures soon! Bear with me!!!!