Monday, November 12, 2007


Just thought I would post and let everyone know how we have been doing. Seth is off today from school due to Veteran day. Yesterday, my mom turned 56! She went on cruise with her husband last week and said she had good time. Rylie is starting to walk steady. She hasn't walked 100% but soon she will! She is starting to sign. She can sign "more, drink, dog, please, duck".

Seth is doing great in school. We had parents conference last Tuesday. Seth's teacher said Seth is doing great and is learning a lot everyday. We can see he is getting smarter everyday! She said she can see Seth being a leader next year in her classroom.

We can't believe Christmas is coming up! We shopped for Seth's Christmas gifts last week. We will do Rylie this week or next week.

Thanksgiving is next week! We will go to my mom's family for lunch then spend dinner with Amy's family. Christmas, we will spend our time with my family. We decided to try something different this year. Last year, it was hard trying to see everyone, we would go to my mom's, Amy's family then to my family all in one day! It was too much for the kids! We want to enjoy our holidays so we will see how this year goes. Hope everyone will enjoy their Thanksgiving this year!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


We had good Halloween night. Seth enjoyed going trick or treat. It was fun this year because he understands what's going on. Rylie just enjoyed being outside and playing with her light. She got few candies. Seth went as a batman. Rylie, a ladybug.