Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Guess who's sick now?

Seth climbed in the bed with us sometime early this morning and was restless. He turned the lights on and was whining so I took his pajamas off. He went back to sleep then at 4 he threw up on me!!! Rylie threw up on me several times on Friday and now Seth! Lucky Momma didn't get any vomit on her!
He threw up 2 more times after 6 am and now is having diarrhea. He is running fever and is sleeping as I type. Rylie is better and her appetite is back!
Let's see if Mommy and/or Momma get sick!!! We hope not!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Rylie had been sick all weekend! Seth stayed with Heather on Friday. Rylie, Momma and I went to Lowes. On way home, Rylie threw up all over herself! As soon as we got home, I gave her a bath. We thought it was something she ate but NO, she threw up again. Gave her another bath then put her in bed because she was so tired! 30 minutes later, she threw up on her bed. Cleaned her up, changed her sheets. She went to sleep. 30 minutes later, threw up again! (4th time) I called the doctor to see if we could give some medicine if any. Nurse said not to give her anything for one hour then if no vomit, give her clear liquid. She was sooo sleepy so we put her down to sleep. Momma and I went to bed, 15 minutes later Rylie threw up!!! (5th time) She was pitiful. Changed her and went right back to sleep and did not throw up all night. She didn't have any appetite on Saturday and slept most of the day. Sunday, Amy shared her eggs with Rylie and guess what! Rylie threw up again!!! That was the last time! Then she started to have diarrhea! Today is the first day she got her appetite again and no diarrhea!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We went up to the mountain to a farm. We had great time! Seth is so proud of his little pumpkin. He said he didn't want big but a small pumpkin. It took him a while to find the right one! We will be carving them tonight! I will post them as soon as I can. Here are some pix from the pumpkin patch. (Sorry pix are not working, I will post them as soon as it's working)

First steps

Rylie is now trying to walk. She can do 10 steps at a time before she falls down. She recognize she can walk so she is attempting to walk more than she is crawling. Soon she will be running around and chasing her brother! She is not going to want us to hold her often now that she knows she can walk! We are going to want another baby!!! Should we??? Seth and Rylie are growing up too fast!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rylie's 1st Birthday Party

Everyone came and helped us celebrate Rylie's 1st birthday. Rylie got some nice gifts. She loves her "Dora" car. Of course, Seth loves it too...

Here are some pictures.

Rylie's 1st Cupcake

We had small birthday party on Oct. 3rd. Rylie enjoyed the cupcake! Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rylie's 1st Birthday!

Happy First Birthday to you!
Happy First Birthday to you!
Happy First Birthday, Dear sweet Rylie!
Happy First Birthday to you!!!!!

Today is her FIRST birthday! We can't believe she is ONE already! The year had flew by too fast! She is not yet walking but wants to!!! She have 4 teeth and there are 2 more coming out soon from the top. She loves FOOD!!! She is signing some words, "Momma", "Eat", "Drink", "More", "See" and "Dog". She doesn't say any words except for "Hey" and "Mommy"!