Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Seth had his teeth cleaned for the first time! Granna (Angie's mom) cleaned Seth's teeth. He had to do it on Mommy's lap. He was not ready to sit on the big chair by himself. He was scared at first but after a while he was fine and did great!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My first shoes!

Mommy & Momma bought me my first shoes last night. I am trying to walk. I prefer to walk with assistance rather than crawling. I can't wait to walk so I can chase after my mischievous brother!

Thank you Mommy & Momma for buying me new shoes!

Love, Rylie

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rylie's tooth came OUT!

Rylie got new tooth! It came out on the bottom. Her next one will be from the top. I can see more of white breaking through the gum. She is cranky at times.
['-0oo;p[=''[''[[['(Rylie took over the laptop!)

Friday, August 17, 2007


Rylie is getting new teeth any day now! Her upper gum are swollen and I can see white part of tooth trying to break through her gum. Amy said she felt Rylie's bottom gum and thinks a tooth is coming out from there. Poor Rylie but she is not complaining yet! Seth had his first at 9 and half months. Rylie is almost 11 months!
Seth is set to start school on the 30th. He is ready but still wants me to stay with him. We shall see how his first day goes! I will miss having him with me at home! Rylie will have my full attention like Seth had when he was smaller.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More pictures

Back from the Beach

We enjoyed our time at the beach. Seth loved the lazy river. He stayed in water all day. He prefer the pool rather than ocean. He didn't like the salt water in his eyes. Rylie loved the sand. She thinks sand is food!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Seth, Rylie and I will be going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow with Heather, Maryrose, Missie and Karen. Amy will join us after work on Friday. We wish she could take the time off and go with us! When we come back, I promise to add some new pictures of the kids.
Have a GREAT rest of the week!!!!

Home Visit

We had our first home visit last night. It went great! It was not a strict visit, Margaret (social worker) was more like a "friend". She said she knows we raised the children together and just need few more questions to complete. The home visit was suppose to last 2 to 3 hours but she only stayed for an hour. She will come back on Monday the 13th to do the required 2nd home visit then she will send off the report to my lawyer. She said we should have our big celebration in about a month. We can't WAIT!!!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

More Birthdays!

We want to sing/sign Papa (August 5th, Amy's step-dad) and Paw Paw (August 6th, Amy's dad) "Happy Birthday"! We hope you have a GREAT one! We Love You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Papa & Paw Paw!
Happy Birthday to You!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy Birthday to you, Heather!

It's Heather's Birthday! Send her a message and wish her a happy birthday! She's 36!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday, Dear Heather!
Happy Birthday to You!